White Hive Guide Bee Swarm. Aim for bee attack, white pollen, and crit chance. What about white hive, imo you can change gifted hasty to gifted bumble bee for 1.1x capacity and change 1 gifted tapdole to gifted buoyant bee for 1.2x capacity Aim for white pollen and instant conversion, if possible then ticket chance (don't sacrifice the other 2 for ticket. Im going for a white hive, tell me in the chat every bee i want and i dont want. In this bee swarm simulator video i will be providing a complete white hive guide! I got a few people requesting for me to do a guided tutorial on white hives since i just did a. This guide is intended for endgame players, basically the top 1% of players with level 20/21 maxed hive. It’s updated due last bee. Using gumdrops while in a field has a 2% chance to summon a gummy star (automatically summoned if 75 gumdrops are used without a gummy star appearing) which.
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Aim for bee attack, white pollen, and crit chance. Using gumdrops while in a field has a 2% chance to summon a gummy star (automatically summoned if 75 gumdrops are used without a gummy star appearing) which. Im going for a white hive, tell me in the chat every bee i want and i dont want. Aim for white pollen and instant conversion, if possible then ticket chance (don't sacrifice the other 2 for ticket. What about white hive, imo you can change gifted hasty to gifted bumble bee for 1.1x capacity and change 1 gifted tapdole to gifted buoyant bee for 1.2x capacity I got a few people requesting for me to do a guided tutorial on white hives since i just did a. In this bee swarm simulator video i will be providing a complete white hive guide! It’s updated due last bee. This guide is intended for endgame players, basically the top 1% of players with level 20/21 maxed hive.
Red, Blue, and White Hive layouts. r/BeeSwarmSimulator
White Hive Guide Bee Swarm Aim for bee attack, white pollen, and crit chance. It’s updated due last bee. In this bee swarm simulator video i will be providing a complete white hive guide! Using gumdrops while in a field has a 2% chance to summon a gummy star (automatically summoned if 75 gumdrops are used without a gummy star appearing) which. Aim for white pollen and instant conversion, if possible then ticket chance (don't sacrifice the other 2 for ticket. Aim for bee attack, white pollen, and crit chance. Im going for a white hive, tell me in the chat every bee i want and i dont want. What about white hive, imo you can change gifted hasty to gifted bumble bee for 1.1x capacity and change 1 gifted tapdole to gifted buoyant bee for 1.2x capacity I got a few people requesting for me to do a guided tutorial on white hives since i just did a. This guide is intended for endgame players, basically the top 1% of players with level 20/21 maxed hive.